Bianca had posted a An excerpt from my journal circa 2000 and I thought I would do the same. Inside my little notebook I had written of my 6 week trip to Quebec City to learn French on a bursary. It was 1972. I was 18 and had just finished Grade 12. I had spent two years losing weight and I had reached a low of 130 pounds (from a high of 176). When I returned from that trip in August I was Maid of Honour in my sister’s wedding which meant I had to fit in the dress.
As I read through a bunch of things jumped out:
My bursary covered my food and amenities of $20/week.
- Chocolate bars were only 10¢, chips 5¢, a coke 15¢ and a milkshake 25¢.
- I obsessed over my weight continuously recording a gain or loss.
- My last entry on Aug 12th said “I have gained ½ pound altogether”.
- A typical breakfast was a poptart and grapes.
- I ate Whistles for dinner one night.
- I listened to records on a record player.
- I watched TV in french.
- I had my "first kiss"!
- I didn't learn much french (c'est la vie!).
- I have really nice penmanship.
Here is the excerpt from my journal:
Sunday, August 6, 1972: “Decided to fast today. Did washing, took a bath and washed hair. Had cantaloupe for lunch and read after. Listened to records. Then decided to go to cafeteria for supper (fast didn’t last too long). Sat at fountain after. Really nice & peaceful. Went back to residence and had choc bar (!!!). Went to TV room and saw last of Walt Disney. Went & bought 2 more choc bars (!!!!!). Watched Adam 12 in French. Bought 2 bags of chips and 2 glasses of pop (!!!!). Was really homesick. Got to bed at 11:30.”
Almost 40 years later, I could write the same friggin paragraph. Isn’t that sad. When I see how much weight has defined my life, I want to cry. And maybe that is why this blogging thingy is actually working. It is making me see that some things aren’t really that important.
But really, how many of you can remember when chocolate bars were 10 cents? And Poptarts were a nutritious breakfast food. And do they still make Whistles?
I love looking through my old journals. Love this post...
I'm glad that I didn't throw that journal out although I've been meaning to for quite a few years now.
Great post and you do have lovely penmanship!
Oh how I wish I kept my diary. (that little book with gold trimmed pages and the little key that would keep my secrets).. and yes I remember 10 cent chocolate bars, and 10 cent slurppies at 711. Oh boy.. we are old!!!
lol I love the last paragraph about pop tarts etc.
What an amazing thing to look back on though. I have old diaries - I must go back and have a squiz too. Now I'm curious about how things were.
How interesting! I do not have any old diaries..I was always afraid someone would find them! But I do have old calendars meticulously recording my daily weights...except when I fell "off" my diet, in which case there would be no weight entry at all....Sounds familiar!
I feel exactly the same about weight/food/dieting taking up so much of my life for the last 30 years. Sad. I can honestly say this is the first year in my adult life I have not been totally obsessed about these things. What a relief.
I made diary entries sporadically when I was younger. I really wish I had done them more regularly and especially wish I had done them when my kids were younger so I can remember all the cute things they did.
I love going back and reading think that I'd written as a young girl - so fresh and innocent! And, I DO remember 10 cent chocolates and whistles! Don't know if they still make 'em tho...
And yes, it is sad that weigh issues have taken up so much of our valueable time.. So, let's end it here and now and enjoy everything that is good, what we have this moment!
I never kept a diary-this blog is as close to anything I have ever done long term and I find it interesting that I have actually accomplished stuff in the process.
I too remember those 10 cent chocolate bars..and penny candy...I used to love filling up a bag of 25 items when my mom or grandpa gave us a quarter.
Look at your handwriting-- is it still like that-- very artsy, girly. Anyhow: I relate to what you're saying about weight defining a certain proportion of my life-- but I am so glad that I am on top of it now in a much more consistent way than I can ever remember.
Thanks for sharing!!
Great post. And just think of all the energy we used to spend worrying about food and weight - all the things we can do now instead!!
That is so sweet...that could have been my high school handwriting! We are handwrighting twins! By the way, regarding your last comment on my blog...I think you ARE wine could well be a fruit!
I can remember!!!
We are all here for the same reason!
I'm glad I have you!!!!
Excellent post!
I always think that I have changed so much from my younger self....but not really. Interesting. You DO have wonderful penmanship!
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