Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Stuck—OMG the Pain!

I listen and learn so much from my blogger friends especially those that write about getting stuck, slimming and PBing (Power Burping for those new to the terminology). In most cases I only have to read to learn something but sometimes I only learn by actually doing. You might notice a theme for pictures I have with cats—this one stuck in a Guiness glass. I luv 'em.
OK, I have learned. You told me. Not that I didn’t listen. Major pain today one day after my first fill. I had been able to eat almost anything up until yesterday and then BAM, not much goes down. For breakfast I had coffee and watery oatbran and I was full for hours. Lunchtime came and I was able to eat about 2 tsp chicken salad on tortilla chips when the discomfort started so I stopped. A couple of hours later, I thought "lets try the tiny bran muffin I had made" (these are like 1 inch square). Owwwww! Bright me thought I’d just wash it down with some water. Owwwwwwwwww! I think the muffin acted like a sponge because now I could feel a big lump above my stomach, pain and me ready to foam at the mouth. Off to the washroom where I sat in a cubicle spitting into toilet paper (quietly so the others wouldn’t hear) for 5 minutes. One thing which actually worked was coughing. I guess the pressure pushed it down a bit but the pain stayed and radiated to my left shoulder.

Three hours later the pain is almost gone. I am now at home and sticking to fluids. Well I just opened a bottle of red wine and am sipping it. Wine is a fluid and after reading the link I posted yesterday about how wine can help you lose weight, I’m sticking to that for awhile.

Lesson learned—at least I knew what was going on and knew it would pass thanks to reading all the blogs from experienced bandsters. Too bad it was one of those experiences where I had to learn hands on. Guess I have restriction after my fill. I just hope it lasts. My advice to those newbies who have not had the stuck experience: I hope you learn from reading other bandsters and don’t need to feel it first hand. But if you do, know that it will pass. And wine really helps.

As a followup to the 4 pricks of the needle it took to get my fill: Really, Really, REALLY it did not hurt. I only felt one needle and it felt like a mosquito bite. The stuck episode today was more painful than I could have imagined. On Monday, I had a root canal and that was so painful (she needed to give me freezing 10 times with the needle). Childbirth was easier and I have to go back next week for her to finish. At least the nerves are gone! So anyone going for a fill—it is really, really easy peasy! Don't for a minute worry.

I also have to post a link to Michelle who posted the most awesome, heart wrenching and enlightening post today. I hope you don't mind. I am so proud that you shared this with us and I mean it when I say we really do care. I had to lie to the person who saw my tears that there must be some dust in the air making my eyes water. Go you! And thanks for sharing.


Lap Band Groupie said...

I feel your pain...and I've had to learn that lesson over and over and over...good thing wine solves all trauma LOL! A toast to you and your first PB!

THE DASH! said...

Ouch. You know, we never really learn about these things until it actually happens to us. A bit like my "learning things in theory don't mean s**t until you do it in practice" way of thinking. Glad you're unstuck now. Thats NO fun!!

I am going to read Michelles post. I don't know her (yet) but I'm always up for reading awesome posts. Have a happy Thursday sunshine. x

Jacquie said...

Oucha! Hope you're feeling better now! That was some link in your post. She is some strong young woman. Lord knows that she has touched a lot of people with her story. Thank you for pointing us to her.

Michelle said...

Thanks Sandy. I do not mind. I am like an open book. I just needed to get it out about where my weight issues started from and now I am on my journey to get over them.. SO had to post the beginning to get to the end...

I love the picture it is great.. ALso I am still learning about all the foods that work and do not work... I am very cautious about anything I put in. LOL... Lesson learned as well over here..

Kristin said...

Ugh, Sandy, the stuck and PB experiences are right miserable, aren't they? I've had two and they both scared the bejeezus out of me! I guess it's part of the process, relearning what to eat and what causes all kinds of problems.

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